Enter our lot by the blue Edinbrook sign and take your first right. This will bring you around the perimeter of the parking lot and inside the cones along the sidewalk in the front of the building.
Pull as far forward as you can in this line before stopping.
Please stay in your car and staff on duty will assist in getting your child to and from your car (as in previous years, students will be waiting outside for you at the end of the day unless weather does not permit).
Once your child has unloaded or loaded your vehicle, please leave the lot using the exit by the stoplight on Zane Ave.
Important safety reminders this year
Sidewalk spacing of students will follow health guidelines (sidewalk has markings to show six feet distance).
Students will be expected to wear masks at drop-off and dismissal.
Students will be expected to arrive in time to enter the building at 8:35 a.m. each day, but not earlier. Given the nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, we want to avoid large groups of children congregating in the front of the building waiting for the start of school.
Breakfast will still be served and students choosing to eat breakfast will be brought into the building at two times: 8:20 a.m. or 8:30 a.m.